Robert Browning, for the IJNH
The Uses of Maritime History in and for the Navy
John B. Hattendorf
Chair, Department of Maritime History
U.S. Naval War College
Lee Ballenger. The Final Crucible: U.S. Marines in Korea, Vol. 2: 1953. (Washington, D.C: Brassey’s, 2001).
Reviewed by Derek W. Frisby
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Rodney Carlisle, Powder and Propellants: Energetic materials at Indian Head, Maryland 1890-2001 Second Edition (Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2002).
Reviewed by Larrie D. Ferreiro
US Office of Naval Research, London.
Christian Dedet, Les fleurs d’acier du Mikado (Paris: Flammarion, 1993).
Reviewed by Larrie D. Ferreiro
U.S. Office of Naval Research, London.
William S. Dudley and Michael J. Crawford, eds., The Early Republic and the Sea: Essays on the Naval and Maritime History of the Early United States, (Washington, D.C.: Brasseys Inc., 2001)
Reviewed by W.A.B Douglas
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Geoffrey M. Footner, USS Constellation, From Frigate to Sloop of War, Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press, 2002.
Reviewed by Captain (N) Richard Greenwood
Commanding Officer, Fleet Maintenance Facility HMCS Cape Breton
CFB Esquimalt, Canada.
William H. Roberts, Civil War Ironclads: The U.S. Navy and Industrial Mobilization, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2002)
Reviewed by, Howard J. Fuller
Department of War Studies, King’s College, London
Jay Y. Gonen, The Roots of Nazi Psychology: Hitler’s Utopian Barbarism, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2003.
Reviewed by Lee Baker
University of Cincinnati, Raymond Walters College
Jay Y. Gonen , The Roots of Nazi Psychology: Hitler’s Utopian Barbarism, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2003.
An alternative view:
Reviewed by David R. Snyder
Austin Peay State University, Tennessee, USA.
Robert J. Schneller, Jr., Farragut: America’s First Admiral (Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 2002).
Reviewed by Christopher S. Stowe
Department of History, University of Toledo, USA.
Brigadier General Edwin Howard Simmons, USMC (Ret.), The United States Marines: A History, 4th Edition (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2003).
Reviewed by Hal M. Friedman
Senior Modern History Instructor, Henry Ford Community College.
Historical Note:
Interpretative Perspective – The Pacific Naval War as One Coherent Campaign, 1941-1945
Thomas C. Hone, with Trent C. Hone
A Question Posed by the Editors of the IJNH: Privacy and Scholarship:
The Need to Establish a More Productive Working Relationship: The Case of the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt)
Further Developments and New Opportunities:
Eric Rust, Baylor University
Archival Treasure for Scholars of the Kriegsmarine:
The Bundesarchiv-Zentralnachweisstelle (BA-ZNS), Kornelimünster.
Menlo College
Atherton, CA
Derroteros de la Mar del Sur
Issue number 10 is now available.
Menlo College
Atherton, CA
The VII Simposium of Historia Marítima y Naval Iberoaméricana
U.S. Naval Historical Center
Washington D.C.
Metro Washington D.C.
Military Classics Seminar
Books and Speakers for 2003-2004
Fort Meyer Officer’s Club, Tuesdays 5:30 pm.
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The monitor Dunderberg – Rochambeau, 1865.
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