The objective of the International Journal of Naval History is to provide a pre-eminent forum for works of naval history researched and written to demonstrable academic standards. Our hope is to stimulate and promote research into naval history and foster communication among naval historians at an international level.
Editorial, The First Issue
Dr. Robert Browning, for the Editors
A Naval Depot and Dockyard on the Western Waters: The Rise and Fall of the Memphis Naval Yard, 1844–1854
Stanley J. Adamiak, University of Central Oklahoma
The United States Navy’s Early Atomic Energy Research, 1939–1946
Joseph-James Ahern, American Philosophical Society Library
In the Shadow of Briggs: A New Perspective on British Naval Administration and W. T. Stead’s 1884 “Truth about the Navy” Campaign
John Beeler, University of Alabama
British Imperial Defence Strategy and Russia: The Role of the Royal Navy in the Far East, 1878–1898
John Berryman, Birkbeck College, University of London
Learning the Enemy’s Language: U.S. Navy Officer Language Students in Japan, 1920 – 1941
Richard Bradford, West Virginia University Institute of Technology
German vs. Allied Codebreakers in the Battle of the Atlantic
Stephen Budiansky
Dangerous Crossings: The First Modern Polar Expedition, 1925
Harold Cones, Christopher Newport University
John Bryant, Oklahoma State University
The Lasting Influence of Theodore Roosevelt’s Naval War of 1812
Michael J. Crawford, U.S. Naval Historical Center
Officer Education in the Twentieth Century U.S. Navy , Panel Commentary
Hal M. Friedman, Henry Ford Community College
‘The fiery focus’: An Analysis of the Union Ironclad Repulse at Charleston, 7 April 1863
Howard J. Fuller, King’s College, London
“Revolutionary Change at Evolutionary Speed”: Women and the United States Naval Academy
H. Michael Gelfand, University of Arizona
Officer Training in the Prussian Navy: The Professionalization of the Naval Officer Corps in the 1860s
Terrell Gottschall, Walla Walla College
Building a Republican Navy in Turkey: 1924-1939
Serhat Guvenc, Istanbul Bilgi University
The Naval Policies of the Harding Administration: Time for a Reassessment?
Manley R. Irwin, University of New Hampshire
Anglo-American Naval Inventors, 1890–1919: Last of a Breed
Hubert C. Johnson, University of Saskatchewan
“They called us bluejackets”: The Transformation of Self-emancipated Slaves from Contrabands of War to Fighting Sailors in the South Atlantic Blocking Squadron during the Civil War
Dr. Lisa Y. King, Morgan State University
The Civil War Gulf Blockade: The Unpublished Journal of a U.S. Navy Warrant Officer Aboard the USS Vincennes, 1861–1864
Robert M. Oxley, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
The Great Landing 1917
C. L. W. Page, Naval History Office, MOD, London
Creation of a Web–Enabled Naval Operations Database
Jon Parshall,
Forerunners to the West German Bundesmarine: The Klose Fast Patrol Group, the Naval Historical Team Bremerhaven, and the U.S. Navy’s Labor Service Unit (B)
Douglas Peifer, U.S. Air Command and Staff College
Martha Coston: A Woman, a War, and a Signal to the World
Denise E. Pilato, Eastern Michigan University
Losing the Initiative in Mercantile Warfare: Great Britain’s Surprising Failure to Anticipate Maritime Challenges to Her Global Trading Network in the First World War
Angus Ross, US Naval War College
The Case of Oskar Kusch and the Limits of U-boat Camaraderie in World War II: Reflections on a German Tragedy
Eric C. Rust, Baylor University
The Genesis of the Minority Recruiting Program at the U.S. Naval Academy, 1965–1976
Robert J. Schneller, Jr., U.S. Naval Historical Center
Preparing for War: Naval Education Between the World Wars
Professor Douglas V. Smith, U. S. Naval War College
Amphibious Renaissance The Royal Navy and the Royal Marines, 1956-1966
Ian Speller, King’s College London and the UK Joint Services Command and Staff College
Naval Presence: The Cruiser Esmerelda in Panama (English)
Naval Presence: The Cruiser Esmerelda in Panama (Spanish)
Carlos Tromben, Chilean Navy
Calculating Scenarios in the Loss of CV Shōkaku
Anthony P. Tully, Technical Careers
“There should be No Bungling About this Blockade:” The Blockade Board of 1861 and the Making of Union Naval Strategy
Kevin J. Weddle , US Army War College
Without a Hangman, Without a Rope: Navy War Crimes Trials After World War II
Jeanie M. Welch, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Computer Methods for Investigating Naval History Panel Overview and Summary
Linton Wells II, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense , Panel Chairman
Uncle Sam’s Webfeet: The Union Navy in the Civil War
Glenn F. Williams, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Computer Methods for Investigating CV Taihō
Richard Wolff, U.S. Department of Energy
This portion of the site will open in October 2002. If you have a project in progress and you would like to share information about your work to inform others and contact those who might help, please submit the information for publication. The submissions page can provide guidelines.
This portion of the site will open in October 2002.
The IJNH Book Review Management Group
U.S. Naval Historical Center
Fellowship Awards
Laughton Professorship of Naval History,
King’s College, London,
Announcement of the Inaugural Lecture
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