The International Journal of Naval History (IJNH) is back in operation. After a two-year hiatus, IJNH is once again ready to welcome submissions from scholars, including junior colleagues still in school, seeking a forum for their research. The editors invite interested individuals to contact the Editor of IJNH, Dr. Charles Chadbourn, with paper proposals addressing all matters pertaining to naval history. See the page on “Submissions” for additional suggestions and guidelines on manuscript submission. The IJNH also invites inquiries as to the availability of books for review. Or, if you would like simply to add your name to our list of available reviewers please contact the Book Review Editor, Dr. Chuck Steele. For further information please feel free to reach out to any member of the IJNH Staff. We look forward to hearing from you.
Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Charles C. Chadbourn, III
Book Review Editor, Dr. Chuck Steele
Digital Editor, David Colamaria
IJNH is sponsored by the Naval Historical Foundation.
(Return to the October 2013 Issue Table of Contents)
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